Spodoptera litura

Scientific Name Of The Pest :Spodoptera litura

Common Name of the Pest :Tobacco caterpillar

Host crops :

Cabbage, Chilli, Maize, Corn, Cotton, Grapes, Tobacco, Tomato, Beans, Cauliflower, Red gram, Black gram, Green gram, Pea, Groundnut, Caster, Sunflower, Onion, Sorghum, Soybean.

Pest Identification :

Adult moth is stout with wavy white markings on the brown forewings and white hind wings with a brown patch along its margin. Eggs are laid in groups usually on ventral side of the tender leaves and covered with brown hair. The egg period is 4-5 days. Larva is stout, cylindrical, pale brownish with dark markings. The body may have row of dark spots or transverse and longitudinal grey and yellow bands. When fully grown, measures about 35-40 mm in length.

Damage To Crop :

On most crops, damage arises from extensive feeding by larvae, leading to complete stripping of the plants. Freshly hatched caterpillars feed gregariously, scrapping the leaves from ventral surface . Greenish caterpillars feed on the leaves voraciously and present an appearance to the field as if grazed by cattle. Since this pest is nocturnal in habit it hides under the plants, cracks and crevices of soil and debris during the day time. Feacal pellets are seen on the leaves and on the ground which is the indicator of the pest incidence.